Debra Martina

Debra Martina is a speaker, writer and mentor based in Australia.  Her main focus is attending to the Collective Consciousness bringing the advent of the New Earth to reality in this Awakening time.  She is a Torch bearer for Changemakers clarifying, that if you

‘Change your perspective you Change your Reality’.

She has dedicated a half a century of this lifetime defending us from the dark entities and integrating Source to initiate new life into this Earth. Thus allowing her and all Humanity to ascend to the Cosmos. To complete her assignment she had to accept the innate gifts and strength necessary to stand against Corruption in the 1980’s as a member of the Commission of Inquiry into Political and Police Corruption; and to integrate the Knights Templar and Knights Malta bloodlines to overcome darkness in realms beyond normal vision/capacity(?).

As an Integrator of computer, financial and energy systems she uses these modalities to establish the return from duality to Multi-dimensional Source Being. This guidance has been claimed by her from experience in the systems of old which are now unplugged and rebooted to Truth. Let us show that the Restoration is complete and bring the vision to all Humanity where no darkness shall ever exist again.

As you stand in the full light of Source you cannot cast a shadow on this world.

Free Your Light: Find Your Protective Light Matrix

Create your connection to spirit and earth, end the violence and bring more peace and freedom.


Disconnect from energy and people that you cannot control. Set aside the past pains that you cannot heal yet and get reacquainted with just your energy. If it brings you joy allow it however disconnect from it so you can truly feel your own energy. Run the energy through your body by CBP™, feel your personal energy begin to understand how it feels.

Find out more here


Bring the light vibration through the body from head to feet and into the earth to the Earth Star. Balance the energy in the chakras and return it through the body up to the Soul Star.

Now enter the Crystal of Shaft – Elevator to Source. Return to the alignment of your Multi-dimensional being.


Enter the portal to your soul through the heart.

Delve into the VOID in the heart. “from the VOID comes ALL creation.”

Drop in the Luminescent Light Matrix and create your new reality.

You are the New Earth.

Find out more here