The Quantum Physics of a Police Officer

How is it that a police officer survives the experiences of crime and absolute brutality of the human race in all manner of pain and suffering and generally come out sane and well-functioning? How do you take the vision and emotions of a severe tragedy that destroys and reduces families and society to be counselled, supported and immortalised into history (then legislated for or against) and say, “next job!”
It is a special breed. Not all can face these horrors and society will agree. I will not get into the other arguments for higher wages and more support to the whole police community here, but it is evident that not everyone is cut out to be a police officer. I was a good police officer and I think I did my job okay. I successfully viewed and attended many tragedies and situations of varying degrees of trauma. I knew intuitively that a decade would see me out and that’s what I did though at the time I really didn’t want to be going. So many stays for many years, a lifetime in fact. How is it that they can survive (or give the appearance of surviving) and others don’t? It all comes down to the ability to store and process the events of that lifetime.

In walks Quantum Physics. What do we understand of the quantum world? Basically, it is the premise that when broken down to its finest particles we are all the same and we are all the same energy. All is energy. The same energy (atoms and molecules) in the stars in the sky as the air that we breathe. The finest of these is ‘thought’. The idea or first thinking of a situation is the beginning of this energy as it comes to form. The more energy applied to this thought the denser the energy becomes. The idea for a table becomes a table the more thought, action (energy) applied to creating it. This goes for the any thoughts. Put energy to a negative thought and you develop that negativity to an emotion and then often that creates your reality. …..

Therein lies the ability of police officers to cope with dimensions of the ‘job’. Quantum physics defines the ‘bubbles’. Police officers have the innate ability to create and compartmentalise these ‘bubbles’ so that they do not stop the functioning of their life at that moment. They do it so well that they can go from one traumatic experience to another, sometimes on the same shift, and be able to function at a high level of intelligence and intuition to see it solved. It truly is a ‘calling’. ….
But what happens when the storage facility or warehouse is full??