Fear is running across the world with the CO-VID-19 and yes, we can tell ourselves not to buy into it. I am not going to tell you not to do that but give you insights into how not to get caught up in it. This is just False Evidence Appearing Real some might say, but it is Real on the vibrational level of the world. Where Fear has taken over, the love or higher vibration goes out the door in many cases.
The Coronavirus has hit near you. The shops are empty. The lack and scarcity vibration has hit your community. The local escapes like the footie club with the children has been shut down and the life of distraction away from the media has been closed off. You have your concerns, but you don’t want to be one of the people going crazy, but you can feel yourself being drawn into it. You start to worry about not having work next week and that is going to create more stress than you already have.

I could list many thoughts going through your heads right now and create the stress vibration to increase. But what is your plan.
I was a police officer for a decade in the 1980s and I still know that I don’t like ‘people’ but love persons. You see the vibration of fear and emotions grips those around you and everyone gets drawn in. We lose our centre and then go into fight or flight mode. It is natural in this space when out of control, but it is not helpful if it is you.

How do you get control of it in a world out of control though?

You can not control the closing of events or airports or the supermarket due to lack of goods. You can worry about the friends and family particularly the old who maybe in contact with the virus. You are being advised not to give someone a hug and no more handshakes.

What you can do is work on the vibrational level?

In every moment the fear comes up take a deep breath, slowly breathe out through the nose and wiggle your toes. We have been told so many times to “face the fear and do it anyway” though my police training and intuition has always bought me to take a deep breath and ground yourself and ‘TTFA’ (Turn the focus around). The more the mind focuses on the Fear the larger it grows. But ignoring it can place you in the same space as the ‘world gone crazy’. Social media and normal media will show you that space 24 hours a day.

Stay informed but do not live there. Accept that you feel the fear creep in and up through your body. Take that deep breath, slowing breathe out through your nose and wiggle the toes and take a moment to reclaim your energetic space. Create YOUR vibrational level and make YOUR decisions from this space not amid fear. Dealing with crises in the police force taught me how to create the space to deal with the event, the trauma and the emotions. To create a space for me to think and feel the correct path to take.

Cleansing, balancing and protecting your energy gives you the space the breath. To move yourself and your loved ones to a higher space even in the middle of the airport gone crazy. Practice this every moment you feel the fear coming in and you will be able to find that inner space the stops you going to the supermarket at the time the war over toilet paper occurred.

The crisis is serious if you are creating or in the fear of the virus. Create your calm. Help those you love and around you to create the calm. Change your perspective of the crisis. You can control your space. Your reality will be different to that which is gripping the world.