About Debra Martina

Debra Martina is a systems integrator dedicated to the Restoration of the Planet. She has a mission to create the healing spaces designed and tailored to all culturally …

A trouble shooter – highly skilled in sorting out the strategic links and processes for systems integration. A unique talent for problem solving and establishment of processes on the multidimensional level.  Adaptable, well organized and dependable with the highest integrity and professionalism.  Ready to discover and remember so much more.

Her journey through many systems in the policing, financial, accounting world, labour industry, health and care industries focusing on establishing hope again for real change on earth. As part of the vision of Hope for Her with the Principals of Women and Girls Arise Global footprint and later the Global Community Family Restoration, focus on systems in tackling trafficking, slavery, domestic violence, education, food distress and financial micro businesses have been developed.

She learned to communicate with animals both domestic and native and her spiritual journey has led to a deeper connection with her Galactic family, though this was tough as a Police officer. Protected by Source and guides during all times of her life.

She looks forward to remembering the gifts and talents to communicate and travel the Universe whilst still in this lifetime. Her connection to her children energetically and as galactic family is a joy and freedom to experience the greatness of this life is the greatest desire.

A Torch Bearer for those not yet seeing. Holding the light until their own light can shine the way and to travel together into this magical era and New Earth as she enters the Universe.

Not only enthusiastic about sharing what she has learned but also enthusiastic about what there is to inspire the joy of this life. Wishing to experience all the bodies of water and waterfalls on this planet and especially Antarctica with all the hidden worlds yet to discover. The desire to see and assist in the Restoration of Earth and be on the way to help the Galactic worlds do the same.

This is Freedom and this is Life.