The Courage to be Unsilenced

Now more than ever we are in a time of information overload.  So much is being said and so little is being heard.  The Great Awakening is to the voice of self and Spirit Within.  To know this voice above all others no matter the Universe we live in is the ultimate prize.

I have for all my life allowed the voices outside of me to shut me down, slow the progress, hold me back.  Believing in the greater truth in me to not harm anyone but to stand up for the ‘underdog’. Truth is within us and I know no matter how many times I have allowed that external voice to shut me up shut me down there was always the line I would not back down from.  That internal barometer that would make me step in when enough was enough and stand between an assailant and a target whether I knew them or not.

You can imagine that I was not always, well rarely the popular one in the conversation on the difficult truths in life.  I began that from memory at the age of around 4 years and was needed to be silenced. Truth to adults, even when obvious to all was not to be voiced. I learned at a young age that I was to hold back a lot of my opinions and viewpoints on something.  But it never got me to fit in with the family or the crowd, so it really served no purpose.  I focused on the future and where I could be of the greatest service to humanity.

Well in the 1980’s that was the Queensland Police Force. This was when we were of service and not a force as much is today.  Don’t get me wrong here there are some really wonderful police in the Police forces and services around the country and they will feel as I do that they have been silenced and ‘nobbled’ in their work as I was.  When you speak up against the injustice of the legal system you are set aside.  When you speak up against those who have sold out to the darkness within and without you are silenced. Thirty years on and it is worse.  The darkness has taken greater hold than every before and the darkness that will silence those good men and women are stronger than ever.

I come from a line extending back to Edmund Burke and he said, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’  For too long good men have been silent.  The darkness took the voice of those good men in the structures that line the pockets of their status.

Edmund Burke also said

‘When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.’

I served in the Queensland Commission of Inquiry into Political and Police Corruption in 1980s and saw many a good man associate and fall for the sake of a ‘6 pack’ so as to not be isolated in the climb to the top.  Others paid the sacrifice of being passed over, hogtied in their job, or forced out of the service.  Do not get me wrong again here, many a good copper is still in position hoping to get the chance to turn the tables and clean this mess up.  I know there are some who have gone before me, were with me and who have come after me who are waiting for the opportunity to speak out and be effective.

This is not the only profession that is susceptible to this corruption of ultimately the soul, the health profession, the education profession, and the business profession have the same cancer within. Those that are the darkness overshadow those of the light but only when we are silenced, and our light is diminished.  As for the politicians – most today are ‘bad men or women’ or those sacrificed in the struggle to now be NOT a voice to be heard or listened to.  Those not able to venture forward are set upon and mocked in the attempt to silence them. Popularity or stature is no longer the sign of an impeccable man (woman) especially when such is built on the innocence of other men, women and especially children.

The time is now, and we can be effective in the cries that need to be heard.  No longer should we fear voicing the truth because someone around you says it is too painful for them to hear or my favorite one at the moment, hurts their sensitive sides or heart.  That sensitive side does need to process the cries and pains and energy of those already being broken.

I know it is time for me to step up and help to clear this darkness by just turning on my light.  No darkness has power over the light.  No longer allow it to silence us.  Remember, those closest to you and who think they know you maybe the hardest to hear you and will wish for the silence to remain, so they do not have to face the truth.  Do not allow this and become ‘nothing’ in the process.

Those you have heard bang on about something that they are passionate about in their heart for so long before you could see it may be just worth listening to right now.  How many generations have been silenced with children being ‘seen and not heard’? Were they really seen?  Are we going to allow them to be unheard by maintaining our silence?