
Do you feel paralysed by the energy around you? You know that you are already stressed out and you have Christmas looming and it is supposed to be your holidays but the stress is increasing the closer you get to the days off. The question is are you just taking on the energy of the season and the rest of the stressed out world. Christmas and holidays are meant to be happy, joyous times and it seems every year it is getting faster and more stressful than the year before.
When you become paralysed, not knowing which way to turn you need to find the way to stop spinning. Stop taking on anyone else’s energy and reconnect with yourself. Where do you stop and others started? Are the lines blurred so much you can not pull away and be yourself.
It is time for a daily routine that works and can be expanded to create a Balanced and protected energetic life. This is what you know you need. Download the Ebook to Cleanse, Balance and Protect your energy. Link